Green Tea Weight Loss Smoothie

Green Tea Weight Loss smoothie in a glass, on my kitchen counter, surrounded by loose tea.

Green Tea Weight Loss smoothie is a fresh and earthy recipe designed to help manage hunger levels and facilitate weight-loss. Learn how to make at home!

Paleo Diet Smoothie

Paleo Diet smoothie in a glass, on my kitchen counter, surrounded by fresh vegetables.

Paleo Diet smoothie is a simple Paleo friendly recipe designed to help manage hunger levels and facilitate weight-loss. Learn how to make at home!

Dr Oz Vitamin Cocktail Smoothie

Dr Oz Vitamin Cocktail smoothie in a glass, on my kitchen counter.

Dr. Oz Vitamin Cocktail smoothie is a low-calorie vitamin rich recipe designed to help manage hunger levels and facilitate weight-loss. Learn how to make at home!

Snickerdoodle Green Smoothie

Snickerdoodle Green smoothie in a glass, on my kitchen counter, surrounded by fresh fruit and vegetables.

Snickerdoodle Green is a cookie-flavored Green smoothie recipe loaded with heart healthy nutrients and antioxidants. Learn how to make at home!

Kale-Apple Green Smoothie

Kale Apple Green smoothie in a glass, on my kitchen counter, topped with a strawberry garnish.

Kale-Apple Green is a delicious, iron-rich, green smoothie recipe loaded with natural heart healthy nutrients and antioxidants. Learn how to make at home!

Green Lactation Smoothie

Green Lactation smoothie in a glass, on my kitchen counter.

Green Lactation smoothie is a phytoestrogen-rich, leafy-green recipe designed to naturally promote lactation. Learn how to make at home!